Did you think we were MIA? I guess we have been lately. I don't really have any excuses for not blogging!!! We have been spending a lot of time together as a family. We are watching Garrett and Isabel grow right before our eyes!!! As I type this, Garrett is walking around the exersaucer, Isabel is sitting in the exersaucer and I have my hands free for a moment!!!
Garrett isn't walking by himself yet. He has taken a few steps, but who wants to walk when he can crawl as fast as lightening!!! He is growing up so fast!!! It makes me so happy to see him growing but it also makes me very sad. He is my first baby!!!!
Isabel is growing also. She weighs about 14 pounds now!!! She is holding her head up very well, rolling over, and is having a great time in her saucer!!!!
Joel and I haven't been up to much. Enjoying our family time, keeping up with the day to day things, and getting some golf in (Joel, not me!!). I am getting to the point that I am about to go crazy with all of the "stuff" being everywhere. I am going to start weeding everything out and getting rid of the things we don't need or use anymore. I get like this every once in a while and I start hauling stuff to my mom's house. My folks house is the storage area for garage sale items!!! I guess they better get ready...I am ready to do some junk removal!!!
More to come later...I promise!!! I will try to be better about posting!!! Off to clean up Diet Coke that Garrett just pulled off the kitchen table!!!